6 DLI Graduates Were Admitted to the Ph.D. Program of UoL

Date: 2022-05-26 09:25:30   Clicks:

Recently, DLI’s 6 graduates have received offers of the Ph.D. program from the University of Leicester (UoL) and will continue their research path in September this year which is under the joint funding of the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the UoL.

 The research fileds of the 6 graduates

This program is an international cooperation training program for innovative talents which was applied by the School of Chemical Engineering with the cooperation of DLI and approved by CSC. The main target of this program is to cultivate international talents who have profound practical knowledge, aim at the leading research field and make their professional skills into use. For this purpose, UoL waives tuition fees and CSC provides students with the scholarship during the project period to support them for their goals.


Established in 1921, the UoL is a world-renowned university in the UK and is dedicated to scientific research and inspiring teaching. After a series of reviewing procedures, 6 students received their offers and will work with famous supervisors in prominent majors of UoL. It shows the quality and competitiveness of our students. So far, a total of 10 students have successfully entered this program among recent two years’ graduates from the Institute.

6 graduates: from top left: Xiao Feng, Tianrun Qin, Yifan Zeng;

from bottom left: Puzhen Yu, Mingxuan Xia, Yizhuo Wang

The 6 graduates expressed their joy in obtaining this opportunity and their gratitude to the Institute. Meanwhile, they also said that they would stand at the new starting point to uphold the spirit of DUT and the DLI’s idea, "the more international, the more patriotic". They will keep making progress to build themselves into the all-round talents with their love for the family and nation, international vision and professional skills.


It is because their hard work and passion for academics that enable them awarded the funding from the CSC and the UoL, as well as the result of the integrated Chinese-English education model which provides students with an international and cutting-edge studying experience provided by the Institute.