Department of Culture

Date: 2022-11-04 13:40:19   Clicks:

The Department of Culture at the Leicester International Institute is a functional department subordinate to the Student Union. We aim to provide students with a platform to present themselves, improve their cultural literacy and create a good campus environment.

We will plan rich and colorful literary and artistic events and hold large-scale literary and artistic gatherings. Through these activities, we will create a happy campus cultural atmosphere for students after their studies and residence. Many interesting literary and artistic activities of the college are undertaken by the Department of Culture, such as choral competitions, DLI Gala nights, debate competitions, graduation parties, etc. In addition, the Department of Culture is responsible for various literature and culture related activities to promote and promote literature, art and traditional culture in the academy. Such as holding essay competitions, organizing patriotic films for students and traditional cultural festivals.

In various activities, the Department of Culture undertakes important tasks such as cultural activity planning, early publicity of cultural activities, ensuring the smooth development of cultural activities and late summary of cultural activities, and has irreplaceable functions in professional fields such as dance beauty design, program planning, copywriting and lighting design. 


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