Learning Department

Date: 2022-11-04 13:41:01   Clicks:

Adhering to the tradition of "Learning at DUT", it is committed to creating a good learning atmosphere, transmitting academic information, leading academic trends, and building a platform for communication between teachers and students. With seriously organizing and carrying out the brand activity ofLearning at DLI”,the routine activities of learning department mainly include experience exchange on academic studyhelp students better adapt to the university courses, regular peer counselinginvite outstanding students to help students consolidate their foundation and solve problems, CET-4 and CET-6 mock exams (help students adapt to CET-4 and CET-6 exams faster and lay the foundation for successfully passing the exams), punch in 21 daysexpand students' English vocabularyand other activities to promote the construction of the study atmosphere.


Contact us by e-mail: 2128932059@qq.com